Our Services
Employee Training
Training process moulds the thinking of employees and leads to quality performance of employees.Read more
Call Center
Call centre technology is subject to improvements and innovationsRead more
Data Entry
Web Date Systems Pvt Ltd. is a complete end to end solution for Document Management Services.Read more
CAF Scanning
CAF management is one of key areas in the telecom business.Scanning, Data Entry, Quality control etc.Read more
CAF Warehouse
Storing CAF into DMS, RMS, storing physical CAF in Warehouses, CAF retrieval etc. Read more

Web Date Systems Pvt Ltd. long experience in the enterprise management space means that you can count on our competency, strength and flexibility to handle the complex and sensitive nature Data management Services. Our wide array of talented and versatile workforce can deliver high volumes with quick turnaround.

Company Preview:

As a result of globalization, organizations today are required to focus, even more than before, on their core competencies and, in addition, improve processes, lower costs, drive revenue, pledge quality, improve customer service and strengthen customer relationships. In such a scenario outsourcing many of a company's operations, including back office operations, to a specialist third party can offer economies of scale, while letting the company continue to focus on its core activities.

    We provide end-to-end Data Management Services solutions for Telecom, and Bank in India for 8 years has established our credentials in both Data Management Services. Moreover, we take pride in having worked with leading organizations in the Telecom industries, which has helped us establish DMS competencies and domain expertise in these industries. DMS is a core business for us, accounting for a very significant portion of our global turnover.

    Beginning with a vision and focused strategy to continuously scale our delivery capabilities for both the domestic and overseas markets, we enable you to reach out to your customers more effectively.

    As the one of the largest DMS provider, Document Management Service accumulates for more than 90% of our revenue. Our customers are relying on Web Date Systems services to provide them with the information and tools they need to make them more productive.

    Web Date Systems offers one easy-to-use program, this intuitive solution delivers an advanced out-of-the-box feature set, that includes all the tools a business needs to digitally manage their documents including